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环境污染控制与修复科技创新团队于2015年组建而成。团队成员由8名从事环境科学与工程研究的教师组成,其中,副教授3名,讲师5名;拥有博士学位4人,硕士学位3人;入选学校“拔尖人才”计划2人,“青年骨干人才”计划1人。主要开展农作物品种间积累重金属差异的机理研究以及污染土壤和水体的修复技术研究。团队成员已承担国家自然科学基金项目3项,湖南省自然科学基金项目5 项,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目1项,科研经费累计100余万元;发表学术论文30余篇,其中sci、ei收录20余篇。


1. 农作物重金属污染防治

2. 污染土壤和水体的植物修复

3. 工业废水无害化处理











1. 筛选到了低镉积累的辣椒品种,并发现镉从根向茎叶转运能力的差异是辣椒品种间镉积累差异形成的关键原因,果实中的cd主要来源于茎叶输送。相关的研究成果已发表在《plant soil》、《journal of agricultural food chemistry》等期刊。



[1] junliang xin, baifei huang, hongwen dai. difference in root-to-shoot cd translocation acterization of cd accumulation during fruit development in two capsicum annuum cultivars. plant soil 2015, 394: 287-300

[2] junliang xin, baifei huang, hongwen dai, wenjing zhou, yumei yi, lijing peng. roles of rhizosphere root-derived organic acids in cd accumulation by two hot pepper cultivars. environ. sci. pollut. res. 2015, 22: 6254-6261                              

[3] baifei huang, junliang xin, hongwen dai, aiqun liu, wenjing zhou, yumei yi, kebing liao. root morphological responses of three hot pepper cultivars to cd exposure their correlations with cd accumulation. environ. sci. pollut. res. 2015, 22: 1151-1159

[4] junliang xin, baifei huang, hongwen dai, aiqun liu, wenjing zhou, kebing liao. acterization of cadmium uptake, translocation distribution in young seedlings of two hot pepper cultivars that differ in fruit cadmium concentration. environ. sci. pollut. res. 2014, 21: 7449-7456

[5] junliang xin, baifei huang. subcellular distribution chemical forms of cadmium in two hot pepper cultivars differing in cadmium accumulation. j agric food chem 2014, 62(2): 508?515

[6] junliang xin, baifei huang, aiqun liu, wenjing zhou, kebing liao. identification of hot pepper cultivars containing low cd levels after growing on contaminated soil: uptake redistribution to the edible plant parts. plant soil 2013, 373: 415?425

[7] junliang xin, baifei huang, zhongyi yang, jiangang yuan, yadong zhang. comparison of cadmium subcellular distribution in different organs of two water spinach (ipomoea aquatica forsk.) cultivars. plant soil 2013, 372: 431?444

[8] junliang xin, baifei huang, junzhi yang, zhongyi yang, jiangang yuan, yangxiu mu. role of roots in cadmium accumulation of two water spinach cultivars: reciprocal grafting histochemical experiments. plant soil 2013, 366: 425?432.

2. 开展了甘薯品种间块根积累镉差异的研究,成功筛选到了低镉甘薯品种,并发现甘薯块根中积累的镉来源于细根和茎叶的输送。相关的研究成果已发表在《plant soil》、《environmental sciencepollution research》等期刊。


[1] junliang xin, hongwen dai, baifei huang. assessing the roles of roots shoots in the accumulation of cadmium in two sweet potato cultivars using split-root reciprocal grafting systems. plant soil 2017, 412: 413-424

[2] junliang xin, baifei huang, hongwen dai, yangxiu mu. acterization of root morphology root-derived low molecular weight organic acids in two sweet potato cultivars exposed to cadmium. arch agron soil sci 2017, 63(5): 723-734

[3] baifei huang, junliang xin, hongwen dai, wenjing zhou, lijing peng. identification of low-cd cultivars of sweet potato (ipomoea batatas (l.) lam.) after growing on cd-contaminated soil: uptake partitioning to the edible roots. environ. sci. pollut. res. 2015, 22: 11813-11821

[4] baifei huang, junliang xin, hongwen dai, aiqun liu, wenjing zhou, kebing liao. translocation analysis safety assessment in two water spinach cultivars with distinctive shoot cd pb concentrations. environ. sci. pollut. res. 2014, 21: 11565-11571

3. 系统分析了人工湿地和浮岛处理硼污染废水的效率,并比较了香蒲、芦苇和香根草吸收、转运、积累硼的能力。相关的研究成果已发表在《plant soil》。


[1] junliang xin, baifei huang. comparison of boron uptake, translocation, accumulation in reed, cattail, vetiver: an extremely boron-tolerant plant, vetiver. plant soil 2017, 416(1-2): 17-25

[2] junliang xin, baifei huang. effects of ph on boron accumulation in cattail (typha latifolia) shoots, evaluation of floating islands upward flow mesocosms fthe removal of boron from wastewater. plant soil 2017, 412: 163-176

4. 全面地开展了稻田土壤镉污染治理研究。通过大量试验表明,合理施用硒肥不仅可以增加稻米硒含量,而且可以降低其镉含量,提高稻米营养价值。此外,将土壤镉进行持续钝化可以明显降低水稻镉含量,改善土壤质量,提高稻米产量。相关的研究成果已发表在《journal of agricultural food chemistry》等期刊。



1. baifei huang, junliang xin, hongwen dai, wenjing zhou. effects of interaction between cadmium (cd) selenium (se) on grain yield cd se accumulation in a hybrid rice (oryza sativa) system. j agric food chem 2017, doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b03316

2. hongwen dai, xiuxian song, baifei huang, junliang xin. health risks of heavy metals to the general public in hengyang, china, via consumption of rice. hum ecol risk assess 2016, 22(8): 1636-1650


辛俊亮:男,博士,副教授,主要从事环境污染控制与修复方面的研究工作。2010年6月毕业于中山大学环境科学专业,获博士学位,同年进入湖南工学院工作。2014年4月至2015年4月由国家留学基金委公派美国加州大学伯克利分校进行访问研究。目前为环境工程专业带头人、学术带头人,并入选学校“拔尖人才”计划。研究兴趣主要在作物品种间镉积累差异的形成机理,污染水体的植物修复以及水稻重金属污染防治方面。已主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,湖南省自然科学基金项目3项;以第一作者或通讯作者plant soil》、《journal of agricultural food chemistry》等sci源刊发表论文20余篇。


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